
April 21, 2022


A release of ammonia occurred from a chemical plant when a hose burst following maintenance to an ammonia filter. The release of ammonia was detected by operators due to ammonia alarms and a high flow of ammonia to the plant. The site emergency siren was activated to alert people of the incident and operators isolated the supply of ammonia to the plant. Operators donned personal protective equipment
and doused the leak with water in order to gain access to the area to isolate the leak.
Ammonia filters were used to remove contaminants from the liquid ammonia, prior to it being processed in the plant. An essential step in the maintenance of filters is a nitrogen purge of the system. After purging occurs, the filter is changed, resealed and the nitrogen hose disconnected. The relevant valves are then opened to recommission the system with ammonia. In this instance, the nitrogen hose remained connected to the filter and drain valves were left open allowing the hose to become
pressurised with liquid ammonia. While the hose was suitable for the pressures normally experienced under service with nitrogen, the hose was not suitable for the much higher pressures of liquid ammonia and as a result the hose burst in two places.
The incident occurred as a result of the failure to follow the appropriate procedure and the company has taken the action of reviewing the competence of each operator to carry out the task. The company has also reviewed the operating procedures associated with the filter cleaning process to ensure they are appropriate. 

Source: Department of Minerals and Energy, Australia

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