
April 5, 2014

PSM internal audit survey results

My thanks to the 22 persons who participated in the survey. The survey results are as follows:

  1.  Over 65% of repsondents say that their PSM internal audit is carried out once in 6 months
  2. All respondents say that they audit all their elements at a time
  3. 30% of respondents replied saying that they audit process safety culture also
  4. 50% of respondents use a rating system for the PSM internal audits
  5. 85% of respondents replied saying that they feel the PSM issues are coming out during the audits
  6. 60% felt that management was not viewing the PSM internal audits seriously
  7. 85% felt that technical competency for conducting PSM internal audits needs improvement
  8. 50% of the respondents say they classify audit findings as per risk.
Contribute to the surviving victims of Bhopal by buying my book "Practical Process Safety Management"

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