
August 26, 2011

The importance of 'O' rings in process safety

I read an article about the importance of secondary seals to prevent leaks. Mr Larry Bachus, in his article mentions the following:
'About half of all pumps in the maintenance shop today were pulled out of service because they were leaking or wouldn’t hold pressure. This is most likely a leaking gasket or o-ring. The o-ring is the rubber component of most pump seals and most instrumentation fittings. The o-ring controls the temperature, pressure, and chemical limits of the device. The difference between a flowmeter in alcohol service and a flowmeter in condensate service is the o-ring. It is not the stainless steel, or the strict tolerances, or the flange bolts. The difference between a mechanical seal in ammonia service and a mechanical seal in propane service is the o-ring. The people who assemble instrumentation devices and parts for the chemical process industries install o-rings that are adequate to perform the static pressure and vacuum test on the part at the factory, which is normally done with water or air. The ultimate user must verify that the factory-installed o-rings are correct for the pumped product application (take into account temperature, pressure, chemical compatibility, and shelf life)".
Read the full article in this link.

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