
March 22, 2011

Fire in lift kills two persons

Thanks to Mr Sreedharan for sending information about a fire accident in a plant when two workers died in a fire in a lift when they were carrying combustible material. According to the news item, "the workers were carrying improperly packed medicine ‘CBS' which released a vapour which is combustible in nature. The vapour released was in large quantity leading to fire in the lift burning them alive. By the time the other workers in the factory arrived and tried to out the fire, both the casual workers were burnt alive". 
Read the article in this link
I had earlier posted an incident where a lab technician in a plant (the Lab was located in the control room building) was taking a bottle of solvent and using the lift (elevator) when he accidentally dropped the bottle. The solvent went down the elevators floor and collected in the well. A spark ignited the solvent and the person had to be rescued from the elevator.

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