
May 21, 2010

Cyclone Laila and Headcount procedures

Today's Times of India carries an article mentioning that cyclone Laila uprooted one of the anchors of the ONGC oil rig Sagar Vijay in the Bay of Bengal, thus destabilising the rig. The article also mentions that ONGC could not give the exact number of people on board at the time of the incident.How robust are your headcount procedures? Test them in surprise tests. During mock drills everything is hunky dory but when an emergency strikes, are your systems telling you the exact number of personnel inside your facility? A proper head count system prevents body counts.
When I worked in the Middle East, I was also a volunteer firefighter for the plant firefighting team. We had an elaborate head count system for firefighters also, to ensure that all firefighters are accounted for. It is better to plan for the worst.It does not cost much but can save lives!

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