
January 31, 2010

Off site chemical disaster management in India

My opinion about off site disaster management in India for chemical disasters is that a lot needs to be done. When I worked in Saudi Arabia, I volunteered to be part of the on site emergency team.The training I underwent for 5 years for just being a member of the on site emergency team was stupendous! We had not only to undergo 4 hours of practical training every month, but weekly refresher trainings also. I was also sent to a 5 day course on advanced emergency response course for hazardous materials and rescue where we learnt to deal with actual emergencies with live fires, gas leaks and personnel rescue techniques from top of distillation columns!!
In India, the off site response to a chemical accident is governed by the Chemical Accidents (emergency planning, preparedness and response) rules 1996.
However, I have seen videos of off site mock drills conducted in India and there is a lot of scope for improvement. I hope the NDMA (National Disaster Management Authority) will soon improve the situation.

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