
November 30, 2020

Heat exchanger tube leak causes ammonia gasket failure

A mixture of process gases was released to the atmosphere through a failed gasket during the start-up of a chemical plant. Operators had just completed the start-up when they heard a large sound and received alarms from ammonia detectors.The plant was shutdown, however the plume released travelled off-site necessitating the evacuation into refuges of a small number of workers on a neighbouring site. No-one was injured as a result of the release.

An investigation showed that the gasket failed as a result of a hole in a boiler tube which had allowed water to pass from the boiler side into the process side. The temperature generated during start-up caused the pooled water to rapidly boil leading to a surge in pressure which resulted in the failure of the gasket. Non-destructive testing of the boiler tubes showed gouge-type corrosion believed to have been caused by flow distribution problems in the boiler. This resulted in excessive metal temperature, which led to corrosion of the tube.


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