
July 29, 2020

Fatality due to inadvertent reaction

Employee #1, the basement operator at a powerhouse, was purging the liquid residue from the betene entrainment tank to the #16 boiler. Water and steam inadvertently got into the knockout pot, and materials that react to water, such as, but not limited to, acetic anhydride and diketene were in the tank. A reaction occurred, releasing flammable and hazardous materials into the atmosphere through a safety relief valve. The pressure relief device was only sized for an external fire, not a chemical reaction. As a result, the safety relief valves could not withstand the reaction. The overpressurization caused the steel pot to fail and explode. Employee #1 was killed.

July 14, 2020

Incident due to improperly ventiliated confined space

When I was a shift engineer, I entered a confined space, a pressure vessel, after obtaining necessary work permit. After I entered, I climbed up the internal fixed ladder to inspect a demister located at the top. As I was climbing up, the CO alarm in my personal gas monitor went off and I evacuated the vessel. Investigation determined that  during the purging process after plant shutdown, one part of an isolated pipeline connected with the vessel had not been been purged. When a valve connected to this pipeline was opened by an operator when I was inside, the pocket of trapped gas entered the vessel.
Lesson: Confined space entry can pop up surprises, even after receiving work permit. Ensure your personal gas monitor is working properly before you enter a confined space. It saved my life!

July 11, 2020

Explosion due to Ammonia vapour

A storage tank for aqueous ammonia solutions was up for maintenance (replacement of the bottom part). After mechanical completion of the replacement work, a trial had been undertaken to fill the tank up, but overpressure was registered and the flange connecting the feeding line to the tank leaked. The problems were reported to the maintenance department, the flange connection was repaired and the pressure relief line checked, the trial to fill the tank was not reported to the shift supervisor. The next day a safe work-permit was issued to the mechanics to disconnect the piping associated with this tank for further repair. The repair work proceeded and during the grinding of a disconnected pipe, a mechanic noticed a whistling sound and hid, together with the other mechanics, behind a concrete tankfarm wall. Soon afterwards the tank exploded. The top of the tank was blown over an adjacent building and the office buildings, and bumped into another office building (approximately 60 m away), which was empty. The explosion is believed to be caused by the ignition of ammonia vapour caused by the repair works. Also the pressure relief line failed to perform as expected.
1. Improvement of procedures.
2. Improvement of communication.
3. Improvement of training of personnel.
4. Re-design of vapour relief lines.

July 7, 2020

Investigation report of the High Power committe on LG Polymers Visak incident

Things are changing for the good in India. After the Jaipur oil terminal fire was made public, the report of the high power committee of the incident at LG Polymers site at Visakhapatnam,AP has been made public by the Chief minister of A.P
The report is exhaustive and has lot of annexures. One of the issues is the lack of enforcement of facility siting rules. Habitats are permitted to be built near to the plant by the authorities and this makes it a disaster waiting to happen.
I hope the recommendations of the committee are implemented in a time bound manner.
Read the complete report in this link

Confined space incident

Three men inside a reactor vessel experienced breathing difficulties. They had inhaled vapour containing 1,1,1-trichloroethane as a result of using a cleaning agent in a poorly ventilated confined space. The three men were taken to hospital for observation and tests. They were discharged on the day following the incident and returned to work fully recovered two days later.The incident resulted from using a hazardous cleaning solvent in an inadequately ventilated confined space. The solvent contained 1,1,1-trichloroethane a harmful substance which should not be inhaled. In addition to the air flow being inadequate to effectively dilute the solvent vapours, the direction of ventilation was wrong. For this heavier than air vapour the air flow should have been from the top downwards.

1. No cleaning agents containing solvents should be used in restricted spaces - such as tankers, columns, reactors, large pipelines etc. For the weld testing, water should be used instead of solvent based agents. Investigations should take place as to whether a harmless test process could be used instead of the dye disclosure method.
2. When using a solvent based cleaner, adequate air supply and ventilation should be ensured. If the fumes are heavier than air, they should be extracted from below.
3. If the ventilation is insufficient, independent breathing apparatus must be used.
4. If possible, work should not be carried out on a vessel at the same time as work in the vessel. If this is unavoidable, the persons working inside should be informed of the nature and scope of work being carried out on the outside. We should also check that safety measures governing work in tanks are adequate. A special co-ordinator is required for this.
5. On medical recommendation, various medications should be kept on site, such as Folon A 200 mg injection ampules and Auxilosan measured dose aerosols.
6. All jobs should be carefully planned from beginning to end. Deviations from the plan should require formal authorisation at a high level. Existing work permits should be withdrawn and new permits issued to cover the change in scope. There is a tendency to take less care towards the end of a job as the pressure to recommission plant and equipment increases.
7. The site policy on the use of solvents (and other hazardous chemicals) should be made absolutely clear to everyone who could be affected by their use. Inherent methods of enforcement of the policy should be devised. e.g. if particular solvent based cleaners are not allowed on site the purchasing system should prevent orders for them from being processed.

July 4, 2020

Have you assessed all the hazards?

Many accidents and fatalities occur during the erection of new equipment in chemical plants. These can include storage tanks. Double wall, double integrity storage tanks are often used for storing cryogenic liquids. In an incident mentioned by, An employee was blowing insulation into the annular space of a newly constructed liquefied natural gas tank. He apparently accidentally fell into the space, which was full of perlite. He was engulfed by the perlite and was asphyxiated. Perlite is an insulation material. When a job hazard analysis is carried out, do you consider asphyxiation hazards due to insulation, in double wall tanks?