
June 2, 2018

Static electricty incidents

  1. Solvent unloading from tanker to drums having 200 lits capacity was in progress. 50% of solvent unloaded in HDPE drums. Fire took place near tanker. Solvent storage godown also caught fire. One fatality & nine injured.Root Causes: Static charge generated during unloading solvent from tanker to drum, No proper earthing & bonding arrangement while unloading solvent from tanker to drum to neutralize the static charge, Lack of awareness training. 
  2.  Charging of solid material from HDPE bags to kettle was going on. Fire took place due to static charge resulting in one fatality and three injured. Root Causes: Earthing & bonding was not adequately provided to neutralize the static charge generated. Potential hazard involved in the process was not captured properly by using hazard identification techniques like HAZOP study. 
  Courtesy: A.G.Shingore, National Safety Council

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