
March 21, 2017

Explosion in tank in paper mill

A tank at a packaging plant exploded in USA, killing three contractors and injuring at least seven, according to State Police. The explosion happened at an old paper mill.
Three men, all contractors, are confirmed dead. An unaccounted for person reported earlier has been located and is safe. State police have confirmed that there are six minor injuries and one moderate injury after the explosion. Contractors were working on the tank that exploded, and at least some of the people who died were contractors, a state police spokesman said. However, he said he wasn't able to say how many of the men killed were contractors and how many were plant employees.

The U.S. Chemical Safety Board (CSB) announced that a three-person investigation team from the board is deploying to the scene. Chairperson Sutherland said, “The CSB continues to be concerned about the frequency of dangerous hot work incidents and has added safe hot work practices to the agency’s Drivers of Critical Chemical Safety Change Program, a list of key chemical safety advocacy initiatives.”

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