
March 28, 2015

Access and Accidents

The German wings plane that crashed in the Alps on Tuesday killing all onboard is being attributed to the co pilot intentionally crashing the plane, when the pilot went out of the cockpit. The pilot was not able to regain access to the cockpit as the copilot is alleged to have locked the door from inside. There is an interesting video from popular science about how the cockpit door locking arrangement works.

Coming back to our industry, more and more electronic access systems are being installed in chemical plant control rooms and hazardous chemical storages to prevent unauthorized access. But have you thought about everything including emergency response or evacuation requirements in case of malfunction of these access control systems?

See the video about how the cockpit door locking arrangement works in this link.

Contribute to the surviving victims of Bhopal by buying my book "Practical Process Safety Management"

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