
January 27, 2015

Walking the talk - the most effective way to sustain safety culture

I always say that if the behaviour of top management is right, the behaviour of the others will follow. This is beautifully articulated in an article by Don Ritz titled "Walking the talk on courageous safety leadership". This is worth reading by all senior management. I have been lucky to work in the Middle East where this was practiced in letter and in spirit. One day, when I was working in the plant, me and an operator were up on the compressor deck. The Vice President, Operations, was walking into the plant and he could not see us, as we were at second floor level. There was nobody else around. As we observed him, he paused by the lube oil console at the ground floor. The console floor was dirty. He took a service water hose, cleaned the area with the water hose and rolled back the hose on to its stand and carried on his walk. It made a big impact on both of us. Developing a good safety culture does not need consultants. It is simple and it needs deep rooted commitment.

Read the article by Don Ritz in this link.

Contribute to the surviving victims of Bhopal by buying my book "Practical Process Safety Management"

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