
July 10, 2012

Fire risks of IBC's

Intermediate Bulk Containers (IBC's)  are used to store and transport many chemicals. A technical advisory bulletin by Willis North America mentions the significantly greater fire hazard the IBC's pose than the classic 55-gallon drum or smaller containers.
They recommend the following:

  1. "Protection alternatives should always be investigated (i.e., possible use of off-site IBC storage facilities, etc.).
    The indoor storage of flammable or combustible liquids in nonmetallic or composite IBCs in plant production or warehouse storage areas should be prohibited. 
  2. Attempt to store IBCs at a supplier location and receive the materials on a just-in-time basis. 
  3. Consider alternatives such as designing and installing a properly protected bulk storage and piping system.
    Consider the use of steel 55-gallon drums or steel IBCs.
    Determine if nonmetallic or composite IBCs are the only method for receiving and storing flammable and combustible liquids in your plant".
Read the advisory in this link. 

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