
November 11, 2011

More chlorine incidents

Thanks to Mr Harbhajan Singh Seghal for sharing these incidents.

Chlorine leakage was noticed from the valve of a chlorine tonner. They tried to control the leakage but when it became uncontrollable, they dumped the leaky tonner into the alkaline sump to neutralize the remaining chlorine. According to media, about thirty persons complained of eye irritation.
  • 4 Nos filled chlorine tonners were stored since Dec 2008 in the open area. Out of which one toner has leaked
  • Valve caps & protection domes were also not provided on these tonners.
  • Minor chlorine leakage from the valve of chlorine tonner remained unattended which resulted into a major leak
  • Chlorine is a dry gas .On leakage it attracts moisture from the atmosphere and increase the corrosion rate at a very high rate
  • Storage in the open makes the accessories weak and further adds up to corrosion
  • Tonners should be stored under proper shed to protect them from direct sun light & heat.
  • Valve caps & protection domes must be provided on the valves of tonners, if they are not being used.
  • Regularly chlorine tonners area to be inspected for any chlorine leakage with the help of ammonia torch.
  • Even if minor chlorine leakage is noticed, the same must be attended immediately and should not be left unattended.
  • Filled Tonners should not be stored for more than 90 days.
  • Sufficient nos of necessary PPE’s & tonner emergency handling kit should be readily available at user end.
  • Periodic refresher training should be organized for employees handling chlorine tonner.
  • Emergency handling procedure should be available at consumer end.
Under no circumstance, leaky chlorine tonners should be dumped in alkaline water sump which may cause major mishap.
Tonner keeps floating on the surface of water and chlorine does not neutralize in the solution but spreads in the atmosphere
Chlorine attracts moisture from water and further adds to corrosion
Filler should be informed on first sight of leakage
Even the leaked tonner though empty should be made safe by washing and drying and destroy as per rules

The Incident of bulging of filled chlorine toner occurred but there was no chlorine leakage.
The bulged tonner was immediately depressurized partly by releasing the chlorine to a 200 litre barrel having 5% dilute Caustic lye solution to reduce the pressure & temperature of the tonner and avoid its bursting. Thereafter the tonner was emptied by using the balance chlorine in their process. The emergency could be handled safely & successfully by the chlorine user.
  • Quantity of liquid chlorine was higher than the desired quantity and moreover the filled tonner was kept in the sun
  • The temperature and pressure of the tonner increased due to this.
  • The tonner got bulged due to high thermal expansion of liquid chlorine with temperature.
  • Filling of chlorine toner should be done as per filling ratio-1.19. Water capacityx1.19
  • Weight of tonner should be rechechecked after filling
  • Filled tonners must be stored in cool and well ventilated place
  • Tonner can bulge at 45 degree centigrade with 5%excess can bulge at any time at room temperature with 10% excess filling

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