
August 6, 2011

Sodium nitrite explosion kills 2

A blast in an disinfectant manufacturing unit in China has reportedly killed two persons. The unit uses sodium nitrite. A fire is reported to have caused the explosion. The MSDS of sodium nitrite mentions the following:
"Special Remarks on Fire Hazards:
When in contact with organic matter, it will ignite by friction. May ignite combustibles.
Special Remarks on Explosion Hazards:
Explodes when heated over 1000 F (538 C). Sodium Nitrite + thiocyanate explodes on heating. A mixture of sodium nitrite and various cyanides explodes on contact. Mixture of sodium nitrite and phthalic acid or anhydride explode violently on heating.Fusion of urea with sodium nitrite Interaction of nitrites when heated with metal amidosulfates (sulfamates) may become explosively violent owing to liberation of nitrogen and steam mixed with ammonium sulfamate form. Violent explosion occurs if an ammonium salt is is melted with nitrite salt. Shock may explode nitrites. must be carried out exactly as described to avoid risk of explosion".

Read the news article in this link.
See the MSDS of sodium nitrite in this link.

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