
May 14, 2011

Combustible dust hazards - the explosions continue

The CSB has concluded that combustible iron dust has caused and explosion that killed one worker. The CSB mention the following:
"The first incident occurred on January 31 as two maintenance mechanics on the overnight shift inspected a bucket elevator that had been reported to be malfunctioning due to a misaligned belt. The bucket elevator, located downstream of an annealing furnace, conveyed fine iron powder to storage bins. The two mechanics were standing alone on an elevated platform near the top of the bucket elevator, which had been shut down and was out of service until maintenance personnel could inspect it. When the bucket elevator was restarted the movement immediately lofted combustible iron dust into the air. The dust ignited and the flames engulfed the workers causing their injuries. A dust collector associated with the elevator was reported to have been out of service for the two days leading to the incident.
The second incident occurred less than two months later on March 29 when a plant engineer, who was replacing igniters on a furnace, was engulfed in combustible dust which ignited. In the course of the furnace work, he inadvertently dislodged iron dust which had accumulated on elevated surfaces near the furnace. He experienced serious burns and bruises as a result of this second event; a contractor witnessed the fireball but escaped without injury."

Read the news release in this link.

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