
February 10, 2011

Natural gas pipeline explosion and ethanol rail tankers derailing incidents

Thanks to Abhay Gujar for sending this info. A major fire has been reported in a natural gas pipeline explosion in a plant in Texas. One Worker was killed. Read about it in this link.
Another incident involved the derailment and catching fire of ethanol rail tankers near Ohio. The article mentions that "Twenty-six cars of a 62-car Norfolk Southern train jumped the tracks at about 2:20 a.m. in Cass Township, and the contents of those that ruptured in the impact caught fire. The denatured ethanol in other tank cars that were not breached immediately was heated by the flames until it boiled and the tanks could no longer withstand the pressure, causing explosions that sent fireballs bursting spectacularly into the sky".
Read the article in this link.

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