
February 8, 2011

Another tragic confined space entry fatality - train your workers about the hazards

The Indian Express has reporetd a confined space entry fatality in a chemical factory near Pune. Apparently, a worker entered the confined space without any protection,after the can from which he was adding adhesive fell into the vessel. He got inside the vessel and was then overcome by the toxic fumes. Another worker who entered to save him was seriously injured. The rescue crew had to cut an opening in the vessel to rescue the trapped persons. It is sad that the vessel was not designed as per standards with manholes of standard dimensions. How many more lives will be lost in confined space accidents? It is important to train your workers on the hazards of confined spaces and requirements for a confined space entry permit. Also, train your people to overcome the urge to enter a confined space to rescue a fellow worker, without proper protection. It is a natural human tendency to enter a vessel quickly to save a fellow colleague, but it is a very dangerous practice if proper respiratory protection is not worn. Read more in this link.

In another incident that occurred some time back, a young engineer in a fertiliser plant in India was killed when he slipped into a vessel under nitrogen atmosphere. He was trying to check the work done inside the vessel from outside when he reportedly slipped inside.

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