
December 7, 2010

Radioactive sources and process safety

Some instruments use radioactive sources for their functioning. Also, radioactive sources are maintained by large chemical companies who use them for radiography of welds etc. Maintain the radioactive source as per the conditions required by law. In a recent incident, an oil company was fined 300,000 pounds after exposing workers to radiation. The article mentions the following:

"The incident happened while Schlumberger was contracted to undertake wireline logging operations as part of the Maersk drilling programme for the Cawdor oil well. During the process a logging tool fitted with a radioactive source was supposed to be lowered into the well, the court heard. But the lowering process failed and the radioactive source lay on the drill floor for about four hours before being found, during which time 14 workers were exposed to radiation. The Health and Safety Executive said it was "only by good fortune" that the mistake had been discovered before it had more serious consequences"."Had someone held it, even just for a few minutes, they would have received a significant radiation dose which may have resulted in injuries to their hands and increased their risk of developing cancer in later life."

Read the article in this link.

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