
December 3, 2010

Fire in natural gas furnace in ammonia plant

A news report mentions a in a furnace in an ammonia plant due to rupture of a natural gas pipeline.
When I was shift in charge in an ammonia plant 30 years ago, we used to light up the start up heater for heating up the ammonia convertor. This furnace was a natural draft and naphtha fuel fired design. We used to keep increasing the firing while closely monitoring the rate of heating up. The pressure in the gas coil was 220 Kg/cm2. The burner flames used to be coming out of the top of the stack during the final phases of heating. Luckily we never had any incident of coil rupture in this heater or otherwise I would not be here today!!
Furnace can Kill if you mistreat them. Read your operating instructions, have your protection systems maintained and conduct periodic inspection of the coils.
Read the article in this link.

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