
December 17, 2010

Behind every major incident is one or more near misses!

An article in the Wall Street Journal mentions that "BP PLC narrowly averted potential disaster after a 2008 natural gas leak at a field it operates in Azerbaijan, about 18 months before the deadly Deepwater Horizon explosion in the Gulf of Mexico triggered the worst offshore oil spill in U.S. history". "The gas leak, which was disclosed in BP's 2008 annual report and was widely covered by news agencies at the time, occurred in the offshore Azeri-Chirag-Guneshli (ACG) field, Azerbaijan's largest, in September 2008. As a precaution, BP evacuated 211 workers from the site of the leak and partially shut down production from the field.Details that emerge from cables—written by unnamed diplomats in the U.S. embassy in the Azeri capital of Baku and posted on the WikiLeaks website—show how dramatic and potentially dangerous the gas release was. One cable said that BP was "fortunate" to have been able to evacuate all the workers safely and prevent the gas from igniting, given the "explosive potential" of the leak".

Behind every major incidents there are a number of warnings! Read the full article in this link.

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