
August 27, 2010

Process Safety - Bhopal and BP- I Don't know!

It is eerie. 25 years ago after the Bhopal gas leak occurred, the then police chief met the security chief of Union Carbide and asked him what had leaked and what was the antidote. The answer was "I don't know". Cut to 2010. A news article mentions that "BP executives told U.S. investigators they didn’t know who was in charge of the doomed Deepwater Horizon rig in the Gulf of Mexico or who made key decisions before the vessel exploded in April, killing 11 workers and spewing millions of barrels of crude into the sea". The testimony from Wells, the highest-ranking BP executive to appear before the joint U.S. Coast Guard-Interior Department panel probing the catastrophe, frustrated Hung Nguyen, co- chairman of the panel, who said no one from BP has accepted responsibility for actions that led to the disaster.

“We’ve had so many vice presidents of drilling come before us, I can’t even keep track,” said Nguyen, a Coast Guard captain. “A lot of them answered ‘I don’t know, I’m not responsible’ for this or that. If everybody’s in charge, nobody’s in charge, is that correct?”

One interesting point mentioned by a manager was that he could not read the well cementing procedure in his blackberry due to its small size! Now did a blackberry cause the disaster?!!!!
Read the news article in this link.

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