
July 31, 2010

Strong oxidiser causes oil pipeline blast

A new report indicates that the pumping of a wrong chemical into a pipeline that had just completed unloading of crude oil. The report states that "An investigation has found that a desulphurising chemical was mistakenly pumped into pipelines after a tanker had stopped unloading crude at the port city of Dalian last Friday, triggering the explosion, the State Administration of Work Safety said in a statement posted on its website.The 0.9-meter-diameter oil pipeline exploded at 6 pm on July 16, triggering a smaller adjacent pipeline to also explode, the statement said.
The explosion occurred as workers from the Shanghai-based QPRO Inspection and Technical Service. continued to inject desulfurizer into the pipeline after the 300,000-ton tanker had finished unloading its oil at 1 pm.
Produced by the Tianjin-based Huishengda Petroleum Technology, the desulfurizer was strongly oxidizing, according to the statement".

Read more of the article in this link
For a translation in English of the same accident, read about "Management of Confusion" in this link!.

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