
February 20, 2010

Jaipur oil depot fire - Sharing of Incident Report

Kudos to the Oil Industry Safety Directorate for posting the independent investigation committee report on the Jaipur oil depot fire. (Click MB Lall report in their website).As far as I know this is a first in India for sharing incident reports and this is a very positive change for process safety in India.
On reading the report, the following points come out:(I am quoting from the report)
1."Uncontrolled Loss of Primary Containment in the form of a jet of gasoline:Policy issues - Safety not given adequate priority".
2."It was observed that safety shut down system envisaging closure of all Motor Operated Valves (MOV) at the inlet and outlet, immediate to the tanks was provided in design and installation but had been decommissioned, a few years ago, probably after 2003, due to some operational issues. The exact timing of the above is not known to the current operating officers".
3."No External Safety Audit for last 6 years.Internal Safety Audit inadequate as it could not point out any deficiency in design or procedures & practices".
4. "The certifications such as ISO, NSC awards, Greentech awards, Ministry of Labour awards etc., are all based on documentation submitted by the organizations and not on field verifications and safety practices. The awards/recognitions mesmerize the higher management besides giving wrong signals about safety management systems leading to complacencies. It is, therefore, recommended that time and efforts be directed towards annual safety audits by involving non-company experts so as to have unbiased reports. The companies should be cautioned to be circumspect about utilizing agencies and organizations who claim to be providing expert safety advice and assessment"
Update 3.7.10:
A reader called Atul has sent me this query"But how can this be a case of individual fault ? My Brother in law was attending his fathers funeral at the time of accident and could do nothing about it.
In depot fires across the globe, its the Corporation which are at fault and fined. People are given compensation. In India, the employees are put into Jail! Is this a JUSTICE system which you are proud of?"
I request Atul to read my latest post on the subject in this link

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