
January 10, 2010

Process Safety -Fatigue and training

Between 2007 and 2009, at least 6 commercial aircraft in India landed on the wrong runway. Fatigued crew and lack of training are supposed to be the reasons. Just ponder for a moment - if incidents like these can happen in the aviation industry, can we in the Chemical Industry ignore these issues? Fatigue and training are issues which are relevant to process safety and a lot of work has been done on shift schedules and circadian rhythms.Overtime in a process plant brings about its own problems. My own experience is that a number of incidents happen when the operator is on overtime. We cannot blame the operator. The bigger issue is whether the organisation has a training program that always has manpower in the pipeline - to replace sudden resignations. Just like the software industry, the chemical process industry in India needs to have trained people "on the bench". But this always has its costs. It finally depends on how much risk the organization is prepared to take.

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