
January 1, 2010

LPG Tanker fire on NH47 - Lessons to be learnt

Yesterday a LPG tanker caught fire after colliding with a car on NH 47 near Kochi. The news article and pictures from the site indicate a total lack of disregard for safety by the public. The picture shows people milling around the tanker which is on fire and there is even a guy with a handycam, taking videos, standing barely 15 feet from the burning tanker. The fire department personnel are also not wearing any protective clothing. The only silver lining is that they were warned about the BLEVE phenomenon and were cooling the tanker. While India claims to be a superpower in software industry, why do we not imbibe the best practices in fire fighting and rescue? Its not that we cannot, but requires a change in mindset!
Lets hope for a safe New Year 2010!

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