
January 3, 2010

Training in the Aviation and Chemical Process Industry - why different approaches?

With the advancement of instrumentation in the chemical industry,today plants are operated by DCS systems. These systems are excellent from a data collection and control point of view. The more I look at it, it appears that plant control rooms are now beginning to look like a plane's cockpit! While a pilot (similar to a control room operator) is put through mandatory rigorous training before he commands a plane, there are no mandatory requirements for the qualification of a control room operator. I was earlier a simulator trainer in a methanol plant in Saudi Arabia and I realized the enormous benefits of the benefits of investing in a chemical plant simulator. We could study and give feedback on the trainees response to various artificially created abnormal scenarios. In India, the concept of simulator training is yet to catch on. With the software experts available in India cannot we provide simulators that are cost effective?
I believe the simulator training is mandatory in the Indian Nuclear Industry but not in the chemical industry. Comments are welcome.

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