Showing posts with label PSM. Show all posts
Showing posts with label PSM. Show all posts

December 4, 2017

Big data and process safety

There is a lot of action going on in the big data field and how it will help us improve process safety. I have operated chemical plants in the 80's and 90's and what I have observed is that the data flow to an operator in a control room has dramatically increased today, when compared to the past. Consequently he/she is now prone to making more errors. Adopting Dr Trevor Kletz' approach of inherent safety, could we pose a all the data really necessary? While technology is definitely an enabler, one has to draw a line between good data (useful data) and bad data (unwanted data that distracts operator attention).......what I mean is that while many of the modern control systems do have very useful features, we must filter out the data we do NOT want, at the design stage of the control system itself. As an example, if we restrict the number of alarms in the design stage itself, why do we need alarm management software to be retrofitted? Your thoughts, please.....

November 22, 2017

Ammonia storage and business continuity risk

I recently attended an international conference in the Middle East, about issues with large scale storage of ammonia and new developments in ammonia production. There was an interesting case where an operator of a large atmospheric ammonia storage tank located in a port city for many years was forced by the authorities to decommission the tank as there was a threat by an adversary to hit the tank with missiles. The case study pointed out that the company had taken measures to protect the tank. Though dispersion models predicted a much smaller exclusion zone in the event of a tank rupture, the public relations measures and risk communication by the company could not prevent the court judgement and finally the tank was decommissioned. A group of scientists had published a report that in the event of an attack on the ammonia tank, the effect would be similar to the dropping of 5 atomic bombs. But the results of QRA  studies did not match with the prediction.
The case study has lessons for us in India. The FACT ammonia tank supreme court judgement many years ago took a pragmatic view of the matter. But today, public's perception of risk is only about consequences and does not consider probability of occurrence! There are a large number of atmospheric ammonia storages in India where construction of houses by public, near the tanks, have been permitted by authorities, with the net result that the buffer zone that was originally present has disappeared. It's a point to ponder! Industries with large quantities of toxic materials may be the ones that may be asked to move...

October 17, 2017

Process Safety Managemement - Gaps Survey results

My thanks to the 24 people who participated in the Process Safety Management Gaps Survey. The results are listed from top ranking concern to the least ranking. 
What is the greatest barrier to your PSM program?
1.     Top management commitment
2.     Production pressure                  
3.     Employee attrition rate            
4.     Lack of time for PSM                
5.     PSM is not a line management function
6.     Others                                       
a)     Conflict between Production vs Safety
b)    Conflict between Profits vs Cost of compliance to PSM system
c)     PSM Competency

What is your greatest barrier to Management of Change?

1.     Carrying out changes without taking it through MOC
2.     Lack of updated process safety information
3.     Too cumbersome a system - takes time to fill up and complete
4.     Boss not committed to MOC but to production
5.     Others:
a)     Too much in one umbrella - forgetting MOC is mainly to address HSEF consequences
b)    MOC is avoided when there is a conflict of interest. If I am comfortable I will do .

October 11, 2017

Process Safety Management System Gaps survey -FINAL REMINDER

Dear Readers,
Many of you have an existing PSM system or are in an advanced stage of implementation. I am conducting a survey on Gaps you notice in your PSM system. The anonymous survey has 2 questions and will take 2 minutes and is available in this link
I request you to please take the survey. The survey closes on October 15th, 2017
Results will be posted in blog. Thank you for your cooperation.
For people who have already responded, thanks!

October 6, 2017

Process safety management gaps Survey- REMINDER

Dear Readers,
Many of you have an existing PSM system or are in an advanced stage of implementation. I am conducting a survey on Gaps you notice in your PSM system. The anonymous survey has 2 questions and will take 2 minutes and is available in this link
I request you to please take the survey. The survey closes on October 15th, 2017
Results will be posted in blog. Thank you for your cooperation.
For people who have already responded, thanks!

October 2, 2017

Process Safety Management Gaps Survey

Dear Readers,
Many of you have an existing PSM system or are in an advanced stage of implementation. I am conducting a survey on Gaps you notice in your PSM system. The anonymous survey has 2 questions and will take 2 minutes and is available in this link
I request you to please take the survey. The survey closes on October 15th, 2017
Results will be posted in blog. Thank you for your cooperation.

September 24, 2017

My new website

Dear Readers,
Prism consultants has a new website detailing the process safety services provided. Please visit it at My blog postings will continue in the blog.
Thank you!