
April 30, 2024

April 25, 2024

April 20, 2024

Globe valve spindle failure incident

 Are you maintaining your vent and drain valves?

 Read about a globe valve spindle failure incident in this link:

April 16, 2024

Guidance for Chemical Plants During Extreme Weather Events

 CSB guidance for Chemical Plants During Extreme Weather Events: Climate change is here...are your emergency response plans including the effects of climate change that can trigger emergencies?

Read the guidance in this link

April 12, 2024

The Dakar Ammonia Accident: Analysis of the Worst Incident at an Anhydrous Ammonia User

 The Dakar ammonia accident, in Senegal on March 24, 1992, is the worst ammonia industrial acci-dent ever. This anhydrous ammonia industrial catastrophe claimed 129 lives and injured another 1,150 workers and citizens.
The accident happened at a peanut oil processing facility where ammonia was used to detoxify the product. Anhydrous ammonia was stored in a portable tank commissioned in 1983 and repaired in 1991 before the incident. The weld repairs made were on cracks detected on the tank's surface. Fre-quent overfilling of the tank ("authorized" to hold 17.7 tonnes) was one of the primary causes noted in the reports. An overpressure inside the tank led to its catastrophic failure releasing 22 tonnes of pressurized ammonia. A heavy white cloud of ammonia aerosol plus vapor spread a significant dis-tance causing fatalities and injuries.
This paper presents an analysis of the incident and the resulting consequences.
Dharmavaram, S., Air Products, Allentown, PA, U.S.A.
Pattabathula, V., S.V.P. Chemical Plant Services, Brisbane, Australia

April 8, 2024

Failure analysis of a rubber hose in anhydrous ammonia service

 Interesting analysis of failure of ammonia hose:

Failure analysis of a rubber hose in anhydrous ammonia service
Michael K. Budinski *
National Transportation Safety Board, 490 L’Enfant Plaza East, SW, Washington, DC 20594, United States

April 7, 2024


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