
November 27, 2022


 This incident again reminds us of the dangers of confined space entry.

"Last Fall a foreign flagged containership during a coastwise voyage reported upon leaving port that
the vessel’s second engineer was missing. Despite an extensive search by the vessel’s crew and
officers, the individual was presumed to have gone ashore and missed the sailing. Upon arrival at
the following port the individual was found deceased behind an access door to the main propulsion
engine’s scavenging air receiver:

Read how the fatality occurred in this link:


November 23, 2022

Safety Alert High Velocity Vent Valves, Vacuum Valves, P/V Valves USCG Alert

"A recent marine casualty resulted in significant damage to tank structures, piping and components of
a combination chemical / oil product carrier. Vessel-to-vessel loading operations were taking place at
anchorage and one tank became over-pressurized. Subsequently, three cargo tanks and three
ballast tanks on the ship suffered catastrophic structural failures that allowed hazardous cargo to
migrate throughout those areas. This incident caused the vessel to list and created a very dangerous
explosion hazard requiring costly and time-consuming lightering and repair operations. Additionally, it
presented a hazard to the port and persons involved.
The investigation is nearly complete and investigators have identified several causal factors, one being the failure of the high velocity vent valve which did not open and prevent over pressurization of the tank while it was being filled".

Read the safety alert to understand why the high velocity vent valve failed to operate, in this link:

November 19, 2022

IT’S THE SEEMINGLY MINOR ITEMS that sometimes can create a catastrophe. USCG Safety alert

"This is a reminder to owner operators that sometimes it is the most seemingly minor thing such as a
mechanical part or electrical component that can lead to a catastrophe. For example, a nearly 20 year
old bulker was leaving port when its main engine throttle failed. In this case the vessel was able to
drop anchor without incident. The failure occurred because a small drive belt that connected the console throttle lever components to an electrical potentiometer failed. Movement of the throttle causes the
potentiometer to move and creates a variable signal to other controls which manage engine
speed. When the belt failed the control from the engine room console was lost"

Read this safety alert in detail with additional incidents mentioned in this link

November 15, 2022

Overeating Can Create Dangerous Gas! (Especially with Anaerobic Bacteria) USCG safety alert

 This safety alert is very much applicable to us in the CPI. Anaerobic bacteria reside in ETP's.

This safety alert shares important information related to a unique, not very well known and potentially
deadly hazard that recently developed on a vessel involving the formation of dangerous levels of
Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S)1 gas within a waste oil tank. This was determined to be due to the use of
biodegradable cleaners and the chemical reactions and resultant H2S byproduct involved in breaking
down oils in an anaerobic (low oxygen) environment like that found in a full slop tank. In this case,
vessel officers had detected significant H2S concentrations (>200 PPM) in the vessel’s engine room
bilge holding tank.The cleaner provided micro-nutrients to the waste water thus causing the bacteria to thrive resulting in increased rates of H2S production.

Read the safety alert with detailed incidents in this link

November 11, 2022

Danger! Improper Bonding During Gas Freeing Can Have Explosive Results! USCG Safety Alert

"During gas freeing operations, cargo tank manway and butterworth openings are opened and the flammable vapors within the cargo tank are then removed using mechanical air moving equipment. As outside air is introduced into the cargo tank, the vapor/air mixture within the tank, and near the tank openings, will fall into the flammable range. During this time, if the air moving equipment used to gas free the cargo tank is not the proper type, is not properly maintained, or is not properly electrically bonded and secured to the vessel’s structure, static electricity generated by the air moving equipment can discharge as an electric arc and ignite the flammable vapor/air mixture".

Read the full safety alert with photos in this link

November 7, 2022

TANK SAMPLING DANGERS / H 2 S Threshold Limit Change USCG Safety alert

"Prior to using portable gas monitoring equipment, personnel should familiarize themselves with
ISGOTT Section 11.8 and safe work practices for conducting or witnessing these tests. ISGOTT
recommends when sampling tanks personnel should stand perpendicular to the wind to avoid being
downwind or upwind and creating eddies".

Read the safety alert in this link


November 3, 2022

Electrical Issues Spark Major Concern – Addressing Hazardous Area Electrical Installations Knowledge Gaps

"The purpose of this Safety Alert is to emphasize the importance of properly installed and maintained
listed or certified safe electrical equipment in hazardous areas in order to reduce the risk of fire or
explosion onboard vessels. The Coast Guard has seen a number of instances where there was a lack
of knowledge in the marine industry as it relates to the installation, training,
maintenance and inspection of these certified systems"

Read the alert in this link