
July 11, 2022

"Sewage systems on vessels are known as Marine Sanitation Devices (MSDs) or Collection, Holding and Transfer Tanks (CHTs). Cleaning these systems is required for operations such as routine surveys and surface preservation, equipment modification, repairs and maintenance. Entering and cleaning
sewage tanks, piping and components present specific hazards to workers that put them at risk for injuries and illnesses if they are not properly protected (29 CFR 1915.13).
Workers are often exposed to dangerous atmospheres during tank opening and venting; manual pumping and stripping; breaking or dismantling components and piping; and pressure
washing, mucking, and scaling (29 CFR 1915.11(b); 1915.12). A dangerous atmosphere may expose workers to the risk of death, incapacitation, injury, chronic or acute illness, or impaired ability
to escape unaided from a confined or enclosed space (29 CFR 1915.11(b)). When working on CHTs/MSDs, special attention should be given to good hygiene practices, proper use of personal
protective equipment and safe confined space entry procedures (29 CFR 1915.88; 1915 Subparts B & I).
The information in this document can help prevent exposing workers to the known and unknown dangers of handling treated or untreated sewage and gray water tanks during tank opening, entry,
cleaning and related operations. Related components/operations include: piping, aeration, vacuuming, settling, and treatment tanks and apparatus; sewage-contaminated water tanks or waste oil
tanks, bilges, or sumps; and valves, pumps, grinders, macerators and other contaminated equipment".

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