
June 25, 2021

Cryogenic incident

 What Happened?

A researcher inserted metal racks into a liquid nitrogen tank when her right hand came into contact with the chemical; she sustained cold burns to her index, middle and ring fingers. The researcher reported the incident immediately to her PI, and went to the emergency room for medical attention. At the time of the incident the researcher was wearing appropriate PPE including a pair of latex gloves underneath the cryogenic gloves; however, the chemical had penetrated the gloves upon submersion.
What Was The Cause?

The cryogenic gloves worn by the researcher appeared to be intact. Cryogenic gloves are meant to handle cold items and protect to temperatures as low as -162°C (-260°F). However, they are not meant to be submerged into liquid nitrogen which has a temperature of −196 °C ( −321 °F). In addition, if the gloves were used for other purposes where they get wet, the problem can be compounded. Not all cryogenic gloves are water-resistant.

What Corrective Actions Were Taken?
• Review the correct use of cryogenic gloves and modify SOP for handling cryogenic chemicals
• Review modified SOP with lab members

How Can Incidents Like This Be Prevented?
• Make sure to use all equipment according to their specifications



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