
December 27, 2020


Dear Readers,

Thank you for being with me for the past 10 years since I started my blog. 

1800 posts, 325000 views, about 800 incidents and many of my readers spreading the information from the posts through process safety one point lessons within their own organizations...I am still far from satisfied. My mission in life has been "Preventing another Bhopal" and let us not rest till we have achieved it. How can you help? By the following steps:

  1. Never be silent when you see something going wrong - it could be a decision that is not in the interest of process safety - speak up!
  2. Share past incidents (internal incidents and external incidents) and their root causes, with all your colleagues - we see the same old incidents repeating
  3.  As an engineer, be ethical when taking decisions and do not take decisions because they please the boss
  4. Update your technical knowledge continuously
  5. Do not be carried away by all the technologies that vendors try to sell you. Thoroughly study them and employ only those technologies that are useful to you. Don't get carried away by Jargon.
  6. Wear your engineering hat always, even when you go up the management ladder.
  7. Be aware of normalization of deviations around you. Report them and determine the root causes. You work in a chemical plant. You and your colleagues should not have the misfortune of seeing people die before your eyes because of an incident....

I end by quoting Robert Frost, "The woods are lovely, dark and deep, but I have miles to go before I sleep"

1 comment:

  1. Very True, Thanks for suggestion. Really, there is greater need of awareness w.r.t. process safety topics in India considering growth in chemical industry's CAPEX in India. Thanks.
