
December 3, 2020

On the 36th anniversary of the Bhopal Gas Disaster

Are we better off in Process Safety Management than what we were when the Bhopal disaster occurred in 1984? I would answer this by saying that those who wanted to improve have certainly done so, with the help of various process safety initiatives by industry. But we continue to hear about many incidents every year that mar the image of the chemical industry. Based on my 41 years of experience (out of which the first 20 years were in operating plants and the next 21 years were in process safety consulting), I think the answer boils down to this basic fact. Some one said " The whole World moves on Vitamin M (Money)". After an incident, there is always a big reaction, but after some time, it becomes business as usual in some companies, and that's when another incident occurs. Can technology prevent incidents? The answer is yes, to a certain degree. But ultimately, it is decisions taken by the humans (and I am not talking about the human sitting in the control room) that cause an incident to occur. In Bhopal gas disaster too, decisions taken far away from the plant had an impact on the plant. 

Mahatma Gandhi had once said "The Earth has enough for everyone's need, but not for everyone's greed". Your views, please....

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