
January 30, 2020

Is your forklift properly rated for use in hazardous areas?

At 4:30 p.m. on August 7, 2018, Employee #1 was scooping up the waste from the tank that was on the floor and placing it into the trash can. Employee #2 was driving the forklift to bring in more containers of chemicals. Employee #3 was walking in the warehouse area. Employee #2 was driving a forklift that was not rated to be used in an area that had Class 1, Division 1 flammable chemicals. The employee was bringing additional containers of chemicals in to the mixing room. When he parked the forklift, the vapors that were present in the drain reacted with the hot engine parts and were ignited. Employee #1 received 3rd degree burns on multiple parts of body, which later resulted in death. Employee #2 was hospitalized.

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