
October 17, 2017

Process Safety Managemement - Gaps Survey results

My thanks to the 24 people who participated in the Process Safety Management Gaps Survey. The results are listed from top ranking concern to the least ranking. 
What is the greatest barrier to your PSM program?
1.     Top management commitment
2.     Production pressure                  
3.     Employee attrition rate            
4.     Lack of time for PSM                
5.     PSM is not a line management function
6.     Others                                       
a)     Conflict between Production vs Safety
b)    Conflict between Profits vs Cost of compliance to PSM system
c)     PSM Competency

What is your greatest barrier to Management of Change?

1.     Carrying out changes without taking it through MOC
2.     Lack of updated process safety information
3.     Too cumbersome a system - takes time to fill up and complete
4.     Boss not committed to MOC but to production
5.     Others:
a)     Too much in one umbrella - forgetting MOC is mainly to address HSEF consequences
b)    MOC is avoided when there is a conflict of interest. If I am comfortable I will do .

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