
August 26, 2016

Containing the contents - Chernobyl

The massive effort to provide a containment for the damaged Chernobyl nuclear reactors is worth a read. Funded by the G7 countries along with contributions fom many countries, the USD 1.7 billion effort is to construct " A New Safe Confinement that is 110 metres high and 165 metres long, and has a span of 260 metres and a lifetime of a minimum of 100 years. When completed, the New Safe Confinement will prevent the release of contaminated material from the present shelter and at the same time protect the structure from external impacts such as extreme weather.The new structure will be an extraordinary landmark, tall enough to house London’s St Paul’s or Paris’ Notre Dame cathedrals, To minimise the risk of workers’ exposure to radiation, it has been assembled in the vicinity of the site and will be slid into position before the end of 2016.The arch-shaped structure will weigh more than 30,000 tons. Its frame is a huge lattice construction of tubular steel members, supported by two longitudinal concrete beams.It will provide a safe working environment equipped with heavy duty cranes for the future dismantling of the shelter and waste management after the completion of the NSC.It will be strong enough to withstand a tornado and its sophisticated ventilation system will eliminate the risk of corrosion, ensuring that there is no need to replace the coating and expose workers to radiation during the structure’s lifetime."

Read more about it in the EBRD website in this link.

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