
January 28, 2016

Hazards of aerosol cans

 "Two electricians suffered singeing burns when residue in an electrical switchgear cubicle was ignited shortly after an electrical contact cleaner aerosol had been used. In another case  solvent from a pressure can was ignited by a heat gun. A safety risk exists where any aerosol container with flammable contents is used in a confined space or near an ignition source, whether this is electrical switchgear or some other source of raised temperature.
As they are used so frequently, it is important to refer to information on the can itself or preferably to the appropriate material safety data sheet regarding the flammability of the contents or any other restrictions on usage. Some material safety data sheets state that the aerosol container must not be used in confined spaces or may burst if exposed to temperatures exceeding 50°C.Incorrectly used or stored aerosol containers may represent a safety risk. It is important that material safety data sheets are available" Courtesy Queensland Government - department of mines

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