
April 1, 2015

Incomaptibile chemicals cost you!

A radiation leak from a drum containing radioactive waste at an underground nuclear waste dump in New Mexico was caused by “chemically incompatible” contents, including cat litter, that reacted inside a barrel of waste and caused it to rupture. It is reported that cat litter containing silicates is purposely used as a stabilizing agent in nuclear storage for stabilizing radioactive nitrate salts. A scientist inadvertently used an organic brand of cat litter which does not contain silicates. After some days, the nitrate salts in the barrel heated up, releasing hot gases, pressurised the drum and ruptured it.
 The damage caused a  radiation leak that will cost approx. USD 240 million to clean up!
Read the report in the Telegraph in this link

This is not an April Fools day joke!!!!!

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