
July 25, 2013

MOC survey results

Thank you to the participants of the MOC survey
Results are given below:

Total participants: 45
What do you feel is the weakest link in your MOC program?
Lack of commitment by top management                              21.7%   
Too elaborate and complicated                                               29.7%   
Lack of time                                                                            48.6%
Do you have adequate time to conduct a PSSR?
Yes                                                                                          64.9%
No                                                                                            35.1%
Do you feel the PHA conducted as part of MOC is really bringing out all process hazards?
Yes                                                                                         48.6%
No                                                                                           51.4%
What is the greatest challenge to your MOC program?
Majority answered that it is lack of proper engineering documentation

 Contribute to the surviving victims of Bhopal by buying my book "Practical Process Safety Management"

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