
April 27, 2013

A contrarian view to Process Safety Management

 For those of you who have been around in the chemical industry for a long time, you will recall that prior to the nineties, process safety was managed in most companies by people who had vast experience and knowledge. Today, I see a dangerous trend - we are drowning in complex PSM systems that takes time to understand and given the high attrition rates, accidents continue to happen. I believe for a PSM system to succeed, there can never be a replacement for strong technical competency right up to the top of a company and that PSM systems must be simple, easy to understand and execute. It is not the number of elements you have in your PSM system or the Safety Integrity level that counts but the capacity to comprehend what the system is telling you.....!

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 A reader has pointed out the following:
'As I understand it, this facility was a storage and retail operation selling directly to farmers. Thus the facility would receive ammonium nitrate in bulk by rail, store it and then sell it to farmers for soil application. I do not believe there was any "manufacturing" of ammonium nitrate on the premises. While the fire may have started in another area of the facility and spread to the ammonium nitrate storage area, these facts are not known at this time. Rather than speculate using incomplete information, lets wait for the fire cause and allow folks to do their job".

I agree with him!

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April 25, 2013


A news report  mentions that investigators say that the explosion did not involve the ammonia tanks. Read the report  in this link

Contribute to the surviving victims of Bhopal by buying my book "Practical Process Safety Management"

April 24, 2013

Fire in refinery during maintenance work

A major refinery in USA experienced a fire during maintenance work in a heat exchanger in a catalytic hydro desulphurisation unit. 12 contract workers were reportedly injured. Read about the incident in this link

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April 23, 2013


A news article mentions that the residences and other complexes were built over the years surrounding the fertilizer plant that was started in 1962. While this needs to be investigated, we, In India need to enforce facility siting rules to prevent the unauthorized development around a chemical plant.

Read the article in this link.

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April 21, 2013


While not jumping to conclusion about the reason for the explosion, the photos before and after the explosion indicate that ammonium nitrate that was stored exploded after an initial fire in some other section of the plant, that spread to the area where ammonium nitrate was stored.
Compare the photos of the plant before the explosion (Courtesy: Google Earth) and after the explosion, courtesy AP:
Before the explosion:
After the explosion:

From the photos, it appears that the fire first started in the manufacturing area for ammonium nitrate ( read this link from Wikipedia about the process) and then spread to the storage area of ammonium nitrate.

There are a number of pictures in this link of the plant after the explosion and looks like the bullets and ammonia trailers were spared the wrath of the explosion.

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The NY daily news has reported that "the fertilizer plant that exploded had 1350 times the amount of ammonium nitrate that would have raised red flags.The factory in West, Texas, did not report its massive amount of the potentially explosive fertilizer to the Department of Homeland Security, a source familiar with DHS operations said. At least 14 people died and more than 200 were injured following the blast on Wednesday".

By the way, the ammonia synthesis industry has completed 100 years of operations. Read an interesting update on this event by BASF in this link. 

Contribute to the surviving victims of Bhopal by buying my book "Practical Process Safety Management"

April 18, 2013


News reports indicate that the Fertilizer plant that exploded held an estimated 54,000 pounds of anhydrous ammonia to produce ammonium nitrate, a fertilizer.

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Thanks to Abhay Gujjar and Ravi Varma for sending details of a huge explosion in a fertilizer plant in Texas. Reportedly there have been many casualties.  Read the news report and graphic video of the explosion in this link.

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Fukushima - status

Thanks to Sanjeevi for sending this article on the status of the Fukushima disaster clean up. It is scary! Read it in this link.

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April 15, 2013

Regulatory oversight of PSM

There may be regulations and regulations but regulatory oversight (checking of implementation by legal authorities involved) need to be strong to enforce the regulations - this is one of the lessons learnt from the refinery fire in California. In India, too there are many good regulations but the problem comes when enough manpower and competency is not available with the regulatory authorities.
Read the article on the lessons learnt from a regulatory point of view from the refinery incident in California in this link.

Contribute to the surviving victims of Bhopal by buying my book "Practical Process Safety Management"

April 13, 2013

Accident in a refrigeration plant

Thanks to Satya Subrahmanyam for sending details about an accident in  a diary that killed three people, where according to Deccan Chronicle,  "An oil separator exploded due to reported electro-mechanical failure and the entire refrigeration unit caught fire. The blast occurred an hour after work started in the morning".
Read the article in this link. 
Read another associated article in this link 

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April 12, 2013

Ammonia leak in Urea plant

An ammonia leak in an urea plant in North India has affected 8 workers according to a news report. The shift in charge and a DGM were arrested and later released on bail. Read the news article in this link.

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April 11, 2013

CSB statement on Chevron refinery fire

The CSB has posted their statement about the Chevron refinery fire.An important statement is given below:
"The CSB also has identified deficient management of change reviews conducted by Chevron where more corrosion resistant metallurgy such as 9CR was identified as needed for crude unit high temperature service that could have addressed the piping circuit that failed. However, this more corrosion resistant metallurgy was not implemented more broadly in crude unit high temperature service. Under the current regulatory system Chevron cannot be cited for conducting “ineffective” MOC’s – they are only required to simply conduct them and implement agreed upon actions. Too many of the elements of the PSM regulation simply require paper procedures or activities,rather than concrete measures toreduce risk at every opportunity"
Read the CSB statement in this link.

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April 10, 2013

Accidents and gas releases at a smelter

Read the article in this link

Contribute to the surviving victims of Bhopal by buying my book "Practical Process Safety Management"

April 7, 2013

Beware of the alligator in a PSSR!!

A participant in a recent training session told me of an incident where a cross country pipeline was being welded in marshy territory. The job was completed for the day and the next morning when the welder approached the pipe to start his job, an alligator which had entered the pipe in the night caught him and fatally wounded him.
I am reminded of such "alligators"  when people do not conduct a PSSR properly. Hidden hazards ("Alligators") will be waiting for you and will kill you when you least expect it. Take PSSR's seriously!

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April 4, 2013

Another sight glass incident

A worker died at a refinery when he was exposed to propane and HF when a sight glass ruptured. Read about the accident in this link.

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April 1, 2013

Refinery tank fire - lessons learnt

In 1995 two petrol tanks caught fire in a refinery in Gujarat. See the presentation in this link and learn lessons from the incident.

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