
January 24, 2012

Process safety - Seeing and managing

A typical day for today's plant manager is like this: Punch emails and answer......collect data for the meetings scheduled......firefight today's issues.......go back home late in the evening! I was just comparing the daily routine i used to do many years ago in the same position: Punch in....go around the plant for at least one the log book.....write relevant instructions in the instruction book.....attend the daily plant meeting for discussing and resolving issues....discuss and take instructions from my boss....communicate these instructions to the plant......go back home peacefully, on time! Note: There were no ISO9000,ISO14000,OHSAS18001,PSM,TQM,Six sigma etc in those days! Managing process safety needs management by seeing, hearing and understanding. Unfortunately today's plant managers do not have the time to see the plant.....this is a dangerous trend. Also competency for managing process safety is lacking. Somewhere we seem to have lost our way!

1 comment:

  1. absolutely rightly pointed out the nerve point.
    This is what exactly happening in todays big organizations.
