
November 8, 2010

Explosion and fire in UK factory & Oil Godown in Chennai

Thanks to Abhay Gujar for sending the following news:
An explosion at a Stiller’s toiletries factory in Newton Aycliffe, County Durham that was followed by a large fire. Cause of the fire is not known.See the youtube video in this link.

A rocket firecracker was the source of ignition of a fire in an oil Godown in Chennai, India. The astray firecracker was part of the Diwali festival celebrations! There are many oil storage facilities in India which are very close to populated areas and there is every chance of an accidental source of ignition. Read more of the fire in this link.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Karthikeyan,

    There is a batch process chemical plant just opposite to this used lubricant refining plant. Luckly the firecracker is not landed in the opposite chemical company. If so the impact to residents may be even worse.


    Elangovan M
    Reactive risk analyst
