
October 26, 2010

Critical utilities are important for process safety

A news article reports that a refinery in the US has been flaring gas after loosing a big transformer which shut down the grid. I have been observing cases of transformer failures causing plants to either run on reduced capacity or shut down. Electrical systems are key for process safety. They are silent and appear docile but when they fail, they can cause a process upset that may lead to a catastrophe. Maintain you key utility systems with the same fervor as you would maintain your plant!
Read the news article in this link.
The EPA has reported an accident in 1999 involving a plant converting bauxite to alumina in a series of steam-heated pressure vessels. A loss of power stopped all pumps including those that circulated process material through heat exchangers for cooling. However, steam injection stayed on causing temperatures and pressures to increase. Pressure relief valves and piping were blocked or choked with solid deposits hindering their ability to relieve the increasing pressure. Several vessels over-pressured and exploded. The force of the explosion and release of highly corrosive caustic material injured 29 employees and extensively damaged the plant.

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