
August 3, 2010

Engineering control to avoid deaths

The recent train accident at Sainthia station when a speeding train rammed into a stationary one,has raised many questions.An excellent article in Forbes India magazine describes the various engineering controls that are available to prevent such accidents. The article mentions that "There is a range of technological solutions that can remove the scope for human error and make the system fool-proof. The Indian Railways have experimented with a range of solutions to improve its safety record, but none of them has been scaled up nationwide either due to the lack of budget or simply because the powers-that-be had other priorities. When asked, a senior executive in the Indian railways, in charge of technology implementation, prefers to maintain a stoic silence on the issue. Former railway officials, however, are far less sanguine. “The job must be ruthlessly done and the management must not shy away from shedding blood,” says a former Chairman Railway Board who did not wish to be quoted".
In the chemical process industry also, I observe many cost cutting initiatives affecting engineering controls. As long as nothing happens, nobody dies!
Read the full article in this link.

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