
August 19, 2010

Dangers of turbine overspeed

In 1983, I was nearly killed when a 100 HP steam turbine driving a naphtha pump catastrophically disintegrated due to overspeeding caused by the choking of the pump suction strainer. I was standing near the turbine when I heard it suddenly speeding up. I managed to hide myself behind a concrete pillar before the turbine disintegrated. The mechanical overspeed trip malfunctioned and did not work.
Understand that rotating equipment have speed limits and make sure that your overspeed trip mechanisms are working properly.
I was saddened when I came across a news item about an incident in 2001 when a person was killed due to an overspeed of a turbine when it was being tested.
Read more about the incident in this link "Machinist Struck and Killed by Fragments from Ruptured Steam Turbine Housing"

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