
June 9, 2010

Bhopal Gas Disaster - Precedence of Profits over People?

As expected the verdict on the Bhopal gas disaster in the Indian court has raised a hue and cry in the media. While definitely agreeing that the verdict is too little,too late, I think we are missing the bigger picture here. What has India done to prevent another Bhopal type of disaster? In the USA, OSHA CFR1910.119 Process Safety Management became mandatory in 1992 for facilities handling, storing and manufacturing highly hazardous chemicals above a certain threshold quantity. There is no such rule in India even today. Why? Even the enforcement of the other existing rules is weak due to rampant corruption. I quote from MJ Akbar's article in the Times of India:
"If there is any explanation for Delhi's fudge-and-fuss approach, it can only lie in the Indian elite's very real indifference to the poor. What, one wonders, would have been the reaction if Carbide had leaked its poison over Lutyens' Delhi rather than five kilometers from the old Bhopal city? Would Anderson have spent 25 years in Tihar rather than a villa in Hampton's?"
Read MJ Akbars article written before the verdict in this link

1 comment:

  1. Rightly said. Now, its time to wake up and government has to come up with foolproof PSM enactments.
