
February 26, 2010

Natural Gas Blowing of pipelines causes accident

The CSB has released a statement that mentions that the explosion at the Kleen energy plant in the US occurred during the blowing of new pipelines with natural gas to clear them of debris. There were a number of possible ignition sources.It appears that this is a "common" practice in power plants. I wonder if people are forgetting the basics: flammable gas + air + ignition source = Fire or explosion!
It is very dangerous to assume that ignition sources will not be present!

1 comment:

  1. I do not have any experience of working in oil industry. But, I am unable to guess the reason for using natural gas to clear the debris instead of compressed air. And, they say use of natural gas for the said purpose is a common practice. It is difficult to eliminate / avoid / cover all ignition sources as mentioned in many reports of CSB earlier. We can't assume that everything will be alright after adding all ingredients for fire to take place.
