
February 28, 2010

The future of Process Safety in India

A recent news item on February 26th indicates that in the immediate future, Oil Industry Safety Directorate (OISD) is likely to be announced as the single window agency to ensure safety in the oil & gas sector and is also expected to be vested with all necessary statutory powers to fulfill its responsibilities. Several other regulatory changes and announcements that are in the pipeline and expected to be unveiled over the next few months.
What is the future of process safety in India? Do not be surprised if a Chemical Safety Board, similar to the US is set up. Do not be surprised if investigation reports of incidents are put up on the web. But for this to happen, I feel there has to be a strong impetus to the Government to bring in such changes. I am only hoping that another Bhopal is not the impetus!
While on the subject, let us visit the subject of awards and incidents. In my experience, many companies have won many safety awards but then there is a fatal accident. An award for process safety performance cannot be judged by visiting the unit for a few days. It requires commitment day in and day out from top management to really achieve top class process safety performance. I feel that an organization would be better off if it sits back and takes a good look at its performance in process safety periodically.

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