
February 11, 2010

Cars can be recalled but Chemical Plants cannot!

The papers are full of news stories about the car recalls for certain models by Toyota and Honda due to design glitches. In one incident, it was reported that a boy was killed when a fire occurred due to water entering a power window motor. In chemical plants, do we have the luxury of recalls? A design mistake may show up in a devastating way, killing many people. In todays plants, modifications are carried out for capacity increase, energy saving etc. But how sure are you that these modifications do not have design glitches? Cutting costs at the design stage has serious repercussions for process safety. Investment in good design costs money, but cutting costs in design may cost lives. Cars can be recalled but plants cannot. Does your organization have the capability for designing changes or modifications? Are you keeping yourself abreast about the latest design codes and standards? Think about it!

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